

Physical Property Description
Chemical Composition Copper (Cu), Tungsten (W), Nickel (Ni)
Density Approximately 15.2 g/cm³
Melting Point Approximately 1370°C (2498°F)
Coefficient of Expansion 6.9 × 10^-6/°C
Thermal Conductivity 150 W/(m·K)
Electrical Conductivity Approximately 20 MS/m
Young’s Modulus Approximately 240 GPa
Tensile Strength Approximately 900 MPa
Yield Strength Approximately 650 MPa
Hardness Approximately 250 HB
Magnetic Non-magnetic


C103 alloy is composed of elements such as copper, tungsten, and nickel, and it exhibits a range of unique properties and applications.

The density of C103 alloy is approximately 15.2 g/cm³, which gives it moderate density and provides good mechanical performance and strength in structural materials and high-temperature applications.

The alloy has a melting point of approximately 1370°C (2498°F), enabling it to maintain stability and reliability in high-temperature environments.

C103 alloy has a low coefficient of expansion, approximately 6.9 × 10^-6/°C, indicating minimal dimensional changes with temperature variations and good thermal stability.

The thermal conductivity of the alloy is approximately 150 W/(m·K), indicating good heat conduction properties and suitability for applications requiring high thermal conductivity.

In terms of electrical conductivity, C103 alloy has an approximate value of 20 MS/m, indicating good electrical conductivity.

With a Young's modulus of approximately 240 GPa, the alloy demonstrates good elasticity and rigidity.

In terms of mechanical properties, C103 alloy has an approximate tensile strength of 900 MPa, yield strength of 650 MPa, and a hardness of approximately 250 HB, indicating high strength and hardness.

Furthermore, C103 alloy is non-magnetic, unaffected by magnetic fields.



Here are some applications of C103 alloy:

  1. Aerospace Industry: C103 alloy finds extensive use in the aerospace industry. Its high strength, high melting point, and excellent high-temperature resistance make it suitable for manufacturing components such as aircraft engine nozzles, rocket engine nozzle liners, combustion chamber structures, and guide vanes.

  2. Nuclear Industry: C103 alloy is also used in the nuclear industry. It is employed in the fabrication of fuel tubes and fuel elements for nuclear reactors due to its exceptional radiation resistance and high-temperature stability.

  3. Thermal Tooling: With its excellent heat resistance and high strength, C103 alloy is widely used in thermal tooling manufacturing. It is utilized for producing high-temperature molds, hot extrusion dies, and hot forming dies, meeting the requirements of working in high-temperature and high-stress environments.

  4. Chemical Industry: C103 alloy is employed in the chemical industry for manufacturing corrosion-resistant equipment and containers. Its corrosion resistance makes it suitable for handling corrosive media and chemical reactions under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions.

  5. Other Applications: C103 alloy is also applied in various other fields such as electronic packaging, electronic components, high-temperature cables, and high-temperature power transmission lines. Its high-temperature stability and mechanical strength enable it to deliver reliable performance in high-temperature environments.

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