What material is TZM molybdenum alloy?


The full name of TZM molybdenum alloy is: molybdenum zirconium titanium alloy or titanium zirconium molybdenum alloy. TZM stands for T titanium (Ti), Z stands for zirconium (Zr), and M stands for molybdenum (Mo). The material contains titanium Ti0.50% and zirconium Zr0. About 10%, which makes it have the characteristics of high temperature resistance and good mechanical properties. Common specifications include plates, polished round bars, polished long square bars, rings, etc.

Characteristics of TZM alloy: high melting point, high strength, high elastic modulus, small linear expansion coefficient, low vapor pressure, good electrical and thermal conductivity, strong corrosion resistance and good high temperature mechanical properties.


Commonly used in the electronic and electrical industry such as electron tube cathodes, grids, high-voltage rectifier components, semiconductor thin film integrated circuits, etc.; in addition, in nuclear energy equipment such as radiation covers, support frames, heat exchangers, rails, etc.

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