Uses of molybdenum


Molybdenum is mainly used in the iron and steel industry, most of which are directly used in steelmaking or cast iron after industrial molybdenum oxide compaction, and a small part is smelted into iron molybdenum and then used in steelmaking. The molybdenum content in low alloy steel is not more than 1%, but the consumption in this area accounts for about 50% of the total consumption of molybdenum. Molybdenum added to stainless steel can improve the corrosion resistance of steel. Adding molybdenum to cast iron can improve the strength and wear resistance of iron. Nickel-based superalloy containing 18% molybdenum has the characteristics of high melting point, low density and small thermal expansion coefficient, which is used in the manufacture of various high-temperature components in aviation and aerospace. Molybdenum is widely used in electronic devices such as electronic tubes, transistors and rectifiers. Molybdenum oxide and molybdate are excellent catalysts in chemical and petroleum industries. Molybdenum disulfide is an important lubricant used in the aerospace and mechanical industry sectors. In addition, molybdenum disulfide can catalyze carbon monoxide hydrogenation to produce alcohols under certain conditions because of its unique sulfur resistance, which is a promising C1 chemical catalyst. Molybdenum is one of the essential trace elements in plants and is used as trace element fertilizer in agriculture.

Molybdenum has the potential to replace graphene in the electronics industry.

The California Institute of Nanotechnology (referred to as CNSI) successfully used MoS2 (molybdenum, molybdenum disulfide) to produce a molybdenum based flexible microprocessor chip, the MOS2-based microchip is only 20% of the size of the same silicon based chip, power consumption is extremely low, molybdenum transistors in standby power consumption is one hundred thousand of silicon transistors. And it’s cheaper than graphene circuits of the same size. The biggest change is that the circuit is very flexible, extremely thin, and can be attached to human skin.

In 2011, scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) created the world’s first molybdenite microchips (which contain smaller and more energy-efficient transistors). Molybdate is a strong contender to replace silicon-based chips in the future. Professor Andras Kisch, who led the research, said that molybdate is a good next generation semiconductor material and has broad prospects in the manufacture of ultra-small transistors, light-emitting diodes and solar cells.

One of the advantages of molybdate compared to silicon and graphene is its smaller size, molybdate single molecular layers are two-dimensional, while silicon is a three-dimensional material. On a 0.65nm thick molybdenum film, the electron movement is as easy as on a two nm thick silicon film, molybdenite can be processed to only three atoms thick!

The mechanical properties of molybdate have also made it a potential material for use in elastic electronic devices, such as elastic thin-layer wafers. It could be used to make computers that curl up or devices that fit on your skin. It could even be implanted in humans.

The British “Nature Nanotechnology” magazine pointed out that the single layer of molybdate materials show good semiconductor properties, some properties more than the widely used silicon and research hot graphene, is expected to become the next generation of semiconductor materials.

Pure molybdenum wire for high temperature electric furnace and EDM and wire cutting processing; Molybdenum sheets are used to make radio equipment and X-ray equipment; Molybdenum is resistant to high temperature ablation, mainly used in the manufacture of gun bore, rocket nozzle, light bulb tungsten wire support. Molybdenum added to alloy steel can improve the elastic limit, corrosion resistance and maintain permanent magnetic properties, molybdenum is one of the seven micronutrients required for plant growth and development, without it, plants can not survive. Animals and fish need molybdenum as well as plants.

The application of molybdenum in other alloy fields and chemical fields is also expanding. For example, molybdenum disulfide lubricants are widely used in the lubrication of all kinds of machinery, and molybdenum metal is gradually applied to nuclear power, new energy and other fields. Due to the importance of molybdenum, governments regard it as a strategic metal, molybdenum in the early 20th century was widely used in the manufacture of weapons and equipment, modern high, fine, sharp equipment on the material requirements are higher, such as molybdenum and tungsten, chromium, vanadium alloy used in the manufacture of warships, rockets, satellite alloy components and parts.

Molybdenum is also widely used in thin film solar energy and other coating industries as a substrate for different film surfaces. Molybdenum is mainly used in the iron and steel industry, most of which are directly used in steelmaking or cast iron after industrial molybdenum oxide compaction, and a small part is smelted into iron molybdenum and then used in steelmaking. The molybdenum content in low alloy steel is not more than 1%, but the consumption in this area accounts for about 50% of the total consumption of molybdenum. Molybdenum added to stainless steel can improve the corrosion resistance of steel. Adding molybdenum to cast iron can improve the strength and wear resistance of iron. Nickel-based superalloy containing 18% molybdenum has the characteristics of high melting point, low density and small thermal expansion coefficient, which is used in the manufacture of various high-temperature components in aviation and aerospace. Molybdenum is widely used in electronic devices such as electronic tubes, transistors and rectifiers. Molybdenum oxide and molybdate are excellent catalysts in chemical and petroleum industries. Molybdenum disulfide is an important lubricant used in the aerospace and mechanical industry sectors. In addition, molybdenum disulfide can catalyze carbon monoxide hydrogenation to produce alcohols under certain conditions because of its unique sulfur resistance, which is a promising C1 chemical catalyst. Molybdenum is one of the essential trace elements in plants and is used as trace element fertilizer in agriculture.

Molybdenum has the potential to replace graphene in the electronics industry.

The California Institute of Nanotechnology (referred to as CNSI) successfully used MoS2 (molybdenum, molybdenum disulfide) to produce a molybdenum based flexible microprocessor chip, the MOS2-based microchip is only 20% of the size of the same silicon based chip, power consumption is extremely low, molybdenum transistors in standby power consumption is one hundred thousand of silicon transistors. And it’s cheaper than graphene circuits of the same size. The biggest change is that the circuit is very flexible, extremely thin, and can be attached to human skin.

In 2011, scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) created the world’s first molybdenite microchips (which contain smaller and more energy-efficient transistors). Molybdate is a strong contender to replace silicon-based chips in the future. Professor Andras Kisch, who led the research, said that molybdate is a good next generation semiconductor material and has broad prospects in the manufacture of ultra-small transistors, light-emitting diodes and solar cells.

One of the advantages of molybdate compared to silicon and graphene is its smaller size, molybdate single molecular layers are two-dimensional, while silicon is a three-dimensional material. On a 0.65nm thick molybdenum film, the electron movement is as easy as on a two nm thick silicon film, molybdenite can be processed to only three atoms thick!

The mechanical properties of molybdate have also made it a potential material for use in elastic electronic devices, such as elastic thin-layer wafers. It could be used to make computers that curl up or devices that fit on your skin. It could even be implanted in humans.

The British “Nature Nanotechnology” magazine pointed out that the single layer of molybdate materials show good semiconductor properties, some properties more than the widely used silicon and research hot graphene, is expected to become the next generation of semiconductor materials.

Pure molybdenum wire for high temperature electric furnace and EDM and wire cutting processing; Molybdenum sheets are used to make radio equipment and X-ray equipment; Molybdenum is resistant to high temperature ablation, mainly used in the manufacture of gun bore, rocket nozzle, light bulb tungsten wire support. Molybdenum added to alloy steel can improve the elastic limit, corrosion resistance and maintain permanent magnetic properties, molybdenum is one of the seven micronutrients required for plant growth and development, without it, plants can not survive. Animals and fish need molybdenum as well as plants.

The application of molybdenum in other alloy fields and chemical fields is also expanding. For example, molybdenum disulfide lubricants are widely used in the lubrication of all kinds of machinery, and molybdenum metal is gradually applied to nuclear power, new energy and other fields. Due to the importance of molybdenum, governments regard it as a strategic metal, molybdenum in the early 20th century was widely used in the manufacture of weapons and equipment, modern high, fine, sharp equipment on the material requirements are higher, such as molybdenum and tungsten, chromium, vanadium alloy used in the manufacture of warships, rockets, satellite alloy components and parts.

Molybdenum is also widely used in thin film solar energy and other coating industries as a substrate for different film surfaces.

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