About non-ferrous materials- Tungsten


Tungsten products refer to various grades and types of products made from tungsten ore. These products can be categorized into tungsten ore, tungstate salts, tungsten powders, pure tungsten products, tungsten alloys, hard alloys, and other tungsten derivatives.

Tungsten Ore:

  • White Tungsten Ore (Scheelite)
  • Black Tungsten Ore (Wolframite)

Tungstate Salts: Tungstate salts are generally divided into tungsten oxides, tungsten chlorides, and tungsten fluorides.

Tungstate (WO4 2-): Tungstate salts contain the tungstate anion (WO4 2-) or polytungstate anion (W7O24 6-). Ammonium, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, and many heavy metal cations can form tungstate salts. Common tungstate salts include:

  • Sodium Tungstate (Na2WO4·2H2O)
  • Calcium Tungstate (CaWO4)
  • Cobalt Tungstate (CoWO4)
  • Cadmium Tungstate (CdWO4)
  • Ferrous Tungstate (FeWO4)
  • Ammonium Paratungstate [(NH4)6W7O24·6H2O]
  • Zinc Tungstate (5ZnO·12WO3)

Calcium tungstate and ferrous tungstate are found in scheelite and wolframite, respectively. Ammonium salts and alkali metal tungstates are water-soluble, while other tungstates are not. Tungstates are typically prepared by heating metal oxides or hydroxides with tungsten trioxide. Tungstates are widely used as functional materials; for instance, calcium tungstate is an important X-ray luminescent material, and sodium tungstate is used to prepare dyes and pigments.

Tungsten Powders: Tungsten powder products include pure tungsten powder, tungsten carbide powder, alloy powders with additional elements, and doped tungsten powder used for making sag-resistant tungsten wires.

Pure Tungsten Products: These are materials made from pure tungsten, including sintered, forged, and melted bars, blocks, plates, and other shapes with various purities and specifications.

Tungsten-Based Alloys: These include hard alloys, high-density alloys, tungsten-copper alloys, tungsten-silver materials, and various welding rods made from tungsten and rare-earth alloys.

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